These stores carry Sarah Simpson products!
Shop Small! Shop Local!
Bobzbay Books
Located: 19 N Main St., Downtown Bloomington, IL
Website: www.bobzbay.com
Salem Bespoke Boutique
Located: Salem, MA
Website: savordesigns.com
Website: savordesigns.com
2 Girls One Plant
Located: 1566 Palos Verdes Mall,
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Website: 2girlsoneplant.com
Website: 2girlsoneplant.com
Skagit Valley Food Co-op
Located: 202 South First Street
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Website: skagitfoodcoop.com
Website: skagitfoodcoop.com
Atomic HOrror
Located: 4805 E. Colonial Dr, Orlando FL
Website: atomichorror.com
Bank Square books
Located: 53 West Main Street, Mystic, CT, 06355
Website: banksquarebooks.com
Chaos & Curiosities
Located: 1822 4th St. Peru, IL
Website: facebook
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Interested in Wholesale pricing for your shop? Learn more here. Have questions or would you like to chat with me about an art licensing or illustration project? Please say hello! The best way to get in touch with me is via email.